با عضویت در انجمن تک رمان از مزایای(چاپ کتاب،منتشر کردن رمان و...به صورت رایگان، خدمات ویراستاری، نقد و...)بهرمند شوید. با ما بهترینها را تجربه کنید.☆
انجمن بدون تغییر موضوع و محتوا به فروش می رسد (بعد از خرید باید همین روال رو ادامه بدید) در صورت توافق انتشارات نیز واگذار می شود. برای خرید به آیدی @zahra_jim80 در تلگرام و ایتا پیام بدید
A simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made. A phrase used when someone makes a mistake, or says or does something stupid or ridiculous, when someone does something stupid, weird,"special", odd
🗣Shannon: I wonder what frozen ice cream tastes like... ?
🗣Peta: derp
cool it
used to tell someone to become calm, rather than be angry or violent:
Just cool it everyone, fighting won't solve anything.
On Fleek
This is one of my personal favorites, and it means on-point or very good.
Meaning – An extremely large number. An unknown, vague or fictitious large number. This expression is used to describe an indefinitely large number of people or things. Zillion rhymes with million, billion and trillion – which of course are the names of very large numbers. There are many other very similar words for any fictitious large number:
“He is such a shopaholic. He must have bought a zillion things today!”
Abs: abdominal or stomach muscles; short for abdominals
– Example: If you do 100 sit-ups, your abs will ripple in a short time.
Ace: very good at; be skillful; to do well on
– Example: My brother is an ace at karate.
Admin: administrator; administration; person/department of an organization
– Example: If you are having trouble with computers, please contact the IT Admin.
Airhead: silly, stupid person
– Example: My aunt is such an airhead; she forgot to turn the oven on and cook dinner.
Antsy: restless; impatient; unsettled
– Example: The students were antsy before the math test.
software still under copyright, but which is no longer distributed, sold, or supported. I found a site where you can download all kinds of abandonware games. I'm not sure how legal it is, though
noun - uncountable
basic facts. In this course, you will learn the ABCs of finance.